Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby's First Doctor Visit

We packed up the family hybrid yesterday for the long trek into lower Northrup to visit Jake's new (read "only") pediatrician for his first check-up. They took us right in and we had to strip down Jake to his birthday suit so they could properly weigh, measure, poke and prod the little guy to see how he is holding up to his new surroundings.

Many of you (and by "you" I mean people who think I am a large man) thought that any offspring I were to produce would have a large head. Perhaps one that could hold $20k in nickels without batting an eye. Well, I am here to tell you that young Jacob's head falls squarely on the average line as he is in the 50th percentile for head size. Head weight I can't speak to (his brain is most likely incredibly dense...that didn't come out right) but the circumference is well within normal limits.

In other measurements, he has returned to his fighting weight of 8 pounds 9 ounces (75th percentile) and we are sure has already rocketed past that number in the last 24 hours. His length is in the 90th percentile and was measured at 21 inches. Rim rattling dunks should only be a few years away at this pace...

1 comment:

Missy said...

Chris -- My son's head? 120th percentile, baby. He's now five and wears an adult size LARGE.

"Head! Pants! Now!"
"He'll be cryin' himself to sleep tonight on his huge pillow..."
