Jake and his fatigued parents have now been home for four wonderful nights. The funny thing is that Jake doesn't realize the difference between day and night and has decided to keep them flip flopped for now. Theories abound as to why this is the case, but theories don't wake up when he yells in the middle of the night so we are disregarding them as academically interesting but unapplicable.
Jen has been a model mother throughout this process as she is the one that Jake is yelling for during the night since daddy can't feed him steaks just yet. Without complaint she rolls out of bed, scoops Jake from his little swing (a god send for keeping him asleep during the intervals between feedings) and rocks him in the nursery until he has had enough to eat.
While we have been home we have been overwhelmed with the generosity and kindness of our family and friends who have visited us with prepared meals, groceries, flowers and little gifts for Jake. The assistance has made a huge difference in our first few days back home and has allowed us to relax our concerns from the daily rituals that seem pretty easy when you don't have a 6 day old who needs constant attention and care. We consider ourselves incredibly lucky to have such a great support group who all seem to love Jake as much as we do.
Today is Jake's first appointment with his new pedatrician and he will be sure to report back on the poking, prodding and general impression of his new doctor's offices.
The following are more pictures for all to enjoy....
Those pictures are too stinkin' cute!! Gotta love the smile and the big yawn. Glad to hear you guys are all settling in all right with the new guy. Looking forward to getting some more holding time on Sunday. :)
My goal is to put the cutest ones up there to really make you want to hold him when you visit. :) This time we are going to put everyone on a timer so that no one feels like they are getting screwed out of their time...
Just remember, at least we'll have food for you and maybe a laptop and our phones so you won't get bored or hungry when we shut you in the other room for our entire stay. It's all about the baby!
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